Dubuque, Iowa ABC’s

Did you know……

A = The Dubuque Arboretumn and Botanical Gardens is the perfect spot to stop and smell the roses.

B = Bridges join Dubuque with both Illinois and Wisconsin.

C = The Town Clock stands like a sentry in the heart of downtown. It was built in 1873 and moved to the city center plaza in 1971. It is the site for festivals & fun.

D = Dubuque, the oldest city in Iowa, was founded in 1788 by Julien Dubuque, a French trapper and lead minor.

E & F = The Fourth Street Elevator, a.k.a. the Fenelon Place Elevator, is the world’s shortest and steepest railway. It carries passengers 189 feet up and down the bluff. A grand view of Iowa, Wisconson, and Illinois can be seen at the top.

G = The Dubuque County courthouse is the only gold leaf domed courthouse in all of Iowa’s 99 counties. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

H = Great blue herons are plentiful along the Mississippi.

I & J = Many people start their 4th of July celebration at the Ham House near Eagle Point Park for cake and ice cream.

K & L = Dubuque or “The Key City” has many landmarks including the Shot Tower, Julie Dubuque’s grave, and numerous visiting riverboats.

M = The National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium is affiliated with the Smithsonian Institute.

N = The tri-state area is rich in natural beauty including the 26 mile trail that connects Dubuque and Dyersville, Iowa.

O = In Fall, the bluffs turn crimson and gold. Locals celebrate the autumn with hot drinks and crisp caramel apples.

P = Paddling a canoe, sailing, fishing are great forms of recreation.

Q = Dubuque County farmers grow abundant food in soil that is the envy of the world.

R = Renewal, revival & restoration have brought new restaurants, shops, and businesses to Main Street.

S = Stop by for homemade goodies and homegrown produce at Farmers Market.

T = Delicious turkey and dressing sandwiches are standard fare at any local wedding reception or party.

U = Local legend say a fortune is buried behind St. Rapheal’s Cathedral.

V = There are many beautiful Victorian homes that have been restored in town.

W = New docking facilities & walkway provide a close up view of the river and the city.

X – Place your bet if you dare!

Y & Z = You know you are in Dubuque when you hear “Youze” for “You”, “warsh” you “wash”, and “zinc” for “sink”. Youze play euchre?

Created by Laurie Allen

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